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Kenty Love

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Una fusión de ritmos, romanticismo y letra metafórica, escrita y dedicada a ese amor bueno que se escapó y del cual solo quedan recuerdos.

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    Volver a Probar

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Me Estoy Enamorando

Kenty Love ft. Buddy Roc & Junior Valencia

"Me Estoy Enamorando" is the new single by Kenty Love featuring Buddy Roc and Junior Valencia. A romantic, catchy, Pop/Reggae song in "Spanglish". If you can't find the words to tell a person how much you want and like them, "Me Estoy Enamorando" is the perfect, happy and romantic song to dedicate.

Kenty has a friend, Carmen Diaz, who has been

"Me Estoy Enamorando" is the new single by Kenty Love featuring Buddy Roc and Junior Valencia. A romantic, catchy, Pop/Reggae song in "Spanglish". If you can't find the words to tell a person how much you want and like them, "Me Estoy Enamorando" is the perfect, happy and romantic song to dedicate.

Kenty has a friend, Carmen Diaz, who has been battling cancer for more than four years. Sadly, the cancer has spread to her lungs and all throughout her body. Chemotherapy has not worked. Carmen's husband and best friend of Kenty, Herostreet guitarist, Jorge Caraballo, decided to try alternative medicine treatment RSHO Hemp Oil. Unfortunately, no health plan covers this type of treatment, motivating Kenty to donate all of the download proceeds of "Me Estoy Enamorando" to Carmen's treatment and medicine. Helping Carmen will be possible with positive support from YOU, and all of the fans. Thank you, this really is a noble cause.

Kenty invites you to connect, to listen, to be in love with life, and counts on the support of everyone to help his friend Carmen Diaz.

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Dime (Quiero Fiesta) - Single

Kenty Love

Dime (Quiero Fiesta) is a fusion of Latin, electronic beats and, of course, Rock. It's a "Spanglish" fun and party song with some catchy and favorite frases. Kenty invites you in this adventure, to listen, to connect, to smile and keep enjoying life as a party.

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